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Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy for PetsReducing your pet's pain and speeding healing is important to you and a priority of our medical team. To that end, we have invested in a class IV Companion Therapy Laser by LiteCure, which we use on our patients following surgery or an injury and to help manage a range of chronic and acute conditions.

Laser therapy is a painless FDA approved medical procedure that uses low-level lasers to stimulate the natural healing capabilities of the body's cells. This form of laser therapy is effective at promoting healing on a cellular level as well as decreasing inflammation after surgery, injury or areas of the body affected by chronic illnesses such as arthritis or acute conditions such as otitis. It can also be used to increase joint mobility and relieve the aches and pains common to geriatric pets.

During each treatment, the energy from the laser increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasms, stiffness and pain. In addition, it can accelerate tissue repair and cell growth, improve circulation and nerve function, reduce scar tissue formation and help the immune system fend off infection. Laser therapy causes no adverse effects on healthy cells.

As your pet's injured area heals, function is restored and pain is relieved, allowing your pet to quickly return to his or her normal activities.

What Conditions Does Laser Therapy Treat?

Wound healing, including:

  • Post-operative surgical incisions
  • Contaminated or infected wounds
  • Burns
  • Snake bites

Skin conditions, including:

  • Dermatitis
  • Cat bite abscesses
  • Eczema
  • Ulcerated or non-ulcerated eosinophilic granulomas
  • Frostbite
  • Panniculitis (subcutaneous inflammation)
  • Pododermatitis (inflammation of skin on feet)
  • Pyoderma (pus in the skin)
  • Seborrhea (dandruff)

Pain caused by musculoskeletal disorders such as:

  • Cruciate ligament injury
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Paralysis
  • Loss of motor control
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Post-operative fracture repair
  • Degenerative joint disease

What You and Your Pet Can Expect

Pets typically do not need to be sedated for laser therapy treatments and the experience is usually pleasant and comforting. Improvement is sometimes seen after the first treatment; however, the length and frequency of treatment varies with your pet's condition. Your veterinarian at Swift Creek Animal Hospital will recommend a laser treatment plan specific to your pets condition.